Who we are

The Dairy Training Institute (DTI) is a government institution under the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development. The institute is located on a 1,360-acre piece of land in Naivasha Sub County, Nakuru County, 100 km North West of Nairobi off the Nairobi-Nakuru highway. It started as a Dairy Training School in 1963 through assistance from the former United Nations International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF). Its establishment was under the milk conservation program aimed at providing emergency food and healthcare to children and mothers in countries devastated by the Second World War. At the time of inception, DTI’s focus was on short tailor made practically oriented courses of varied durations lasting up to 2 weeks depending on the needs of the smallholder dairy producers. Alongside the short courses was a 3 months Rural Dairy Management Course (RDMC) targeting dairy cooperative managers. The RDMC course upgraded to 9 months in 1979 to equip trainees with all round knowledge and skills to facilitate sustainable management of dairy cooperative societies. These training programs generally covered aspects of hygienic milk production and handling, milk quality assurance, milk bulking, processing and marketing with the objective of uplifting the living standards of the rural milk producers in Kenya. DTI played a significant role within the region up to 1991 in capacity building as a Regional Dairy Development and Training Centre (RDDTC) for the English speaking countries in East and Central Africa under the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) training program. Locally DTI was by then an induction center for capacity building on milk processing and quality control for technical employees of Kenya Cooperative Creameries (KCC), Kenya’s premier organization in milk processing. Subsequently, the country’s need for frontline extension staff in dairy led to development of a two- year certificate course for Dairy Assistants (DA) in 1982, which later changed to Dairy Science and Technology in 1998 in order to respond to the private sector needs after the liberalization of the dairy industry in 1992.

These changes in the dairy industry also informed the change of name from Dairy Training School to Dairy Training Institute. The liberalization of the dairy industry saw an influx of private sector investors with limited technical capacities for handling milk. To address this gap, DTI within the framework of FAO technical support program in 1996, developed modular based courses to build capacity of the emerging milk bar owners and the milk cottage industry. DTI embraced the Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) in 2015 in response to the changing technologies and the need for skill based training. It has thus been registered by the Technical Vocational Education and Training Authority and currently in the process of realigning its training to adapt to CBET system. The training programs currently offered by the Institute are Diploma in Dairy Production and Processing, craft certificate course in Dairy Production and Management, craft certificate course in Dairy Technology and Management, Artisan courses in Dairy Plant Management and Dairy Farm Management and an array of modular based short courses along the dairy value chain. The institute additionally offers consultancy services and participates in collaborative research. DTI will continue to strive to make necessary investments in both hardware and software geared towards producing competent trainees responsive to labour needs of the dairy industry and subsequently contribute workforce towards value addition, manufacturing, food and nutrition strategies under the BETA plan, Vision 2030, Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals on zero Poverty and no Hunger. The aspirations to realize the strategic goals and with a deliberate effort to deliver on its mandate are the guiding pointers to propel the Institute’ performance going forward given its experience, infrastructure and human resource capital endowment.

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